Take some time to listen to this presentation on ASSERTIVENESS from our Aspire Her 2020 conference.  Dr. Hanks’ passion is helping women take good…

5 Wrong Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

Develop skills like these and so much more at Aspire Her conference!  Our next one will be…

One Crucial Life Hack for Success

You have a body to experience life and a crucial part of that body is your brain.  The thoughts that pass through your mind will…

Overcoming Financial Allergies & Getting Comfortable with the Numbers

Are you allergic to anything? For me, fresh pineapple causes a mild rash, even though I love pineapple…

Tactfully Talk With Your Spouse About “Sharing the Load”

How do we share the load? Dr. Julie Hanks discusses ways to tactfully initiate a conversation with your spouse about “sharing the load” and…

Staying Connected While Practicing Social Distancing

Right now social distancing is the name of the game as schools, community events, and restaurants respond to government-mandated closures in order to slow the…

You Shouldn’t Apologize for Being Ambitious

Britt is a champion of women in the workplace. She hosts the Livlyhood podcast to celebrate working women…

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