Tactfully Talk With Your Spouse About “Sharing the Load”
How do we share the load?
Dr. Julie Hanks discusses ways to tactfully initiate a conversation with your spouse about “sharing the load” and rethinking family expectations as a means of helping support women in their aspirations.
Dr. Hanks’ passion is helping women take good care of themselves and their relationships to create a life they love! As a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and coach specializing in women’s emotional health and relationships, Dr. Hanks has counseled hundreds of women and families over the past 28 years.
Join her and dozens of other speakers each year at Aspire Her for personal and professional development. Check out our Conference Info page for more information.
What does sharing the load mean to you, or to your spouse? Learn how to navigate this and other important issues by attending the Aspire Her Conference. What are you waiting for?
Ready to learn more ways to create a better work-life balance? Check out this vid with alumni Aspire Her speaker Natalie Madsen.
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