Why it’s Better to Aspire: 3 Reasons to Never Settle for Less in your Life or Career
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you found yourself settling for less in your life? Or your career? There’s a few reasons you should never settle. First, let’s talk about…
Routines aren’t a bad thing.
They keep us organized, help us anticipate what’s coming next and provide the framework for our daily lives. But routines can also become a crutch that prevents us from pushing, growing and aspiring for more each day.
It may be a cliche, but you are truly capable of whatever you put your mind to – don’t let a fear of failure or concerns about getting everything just “right” keep you from pursuing career or personal goals. You will fail, you will struggle and you will have times where you want to give up. But you’ll also have spectacular successes, exhilarating moments where you can see your hard work paying off and opportunities that you never thought you’d receive simply because you chose to try.
Still need some motivation? Here are three reasons to never settle for less in your life and career:
1. You don’t have to be the best at something to succeed.
Sometimes we get caught in the trap of thinking we need to be number one at something to truly succeed in life. But here’s the reality: for every Fortune 500 CEO, celebrity and thought leader, there are tens of thousands of people living wonderful, comfortable lives and making a difference in the world and in their communities.
Don’t pressure yourself to be perfect, but do strive to be your best. Devote 100 percent of your skill and talent to achieving your goals and be willing to work hard for what you want. Break out of your limiting routines and try something new – that gray area just beyond your comfort zone is where the magic happens!
It also never hurts to ask for help! Aspire Her alumni speaker Nichole Harrop talks about why it’s so important to ask for help when job searching.
2. You are your best advocate.
Even the most successful people started somewhere. Some may have had the advantage of coming from money or being born into well-known families, but ultimately, people can still fade into obscurity with a fat bank account or a prominent name. No one will push as hard for your success as you will. Learn to speak up and embrace the discomfort that comes from putting yourself out there and remember that success doesn’t happen in seconds.
Getting started on something new is often the hardest part. Striving toward success is a bit like getting an airplane off the ground: the plane can only take to the sky if it has enough power and the right approach to overcome the tremendous force of gravity. Pushing past your barriers requires a relentless motivation that only you can provide.
3. You’ll live with less regret.
It’s natural to wonder about the “what ifs”. What if I’d taken that promotion? Or moved to that new city? What if I’d spent more time with that special person? These questions will accompany you at all of life’s twists and turns, but if you’re striving to be your best, you’ll live with less regret. You can entertain every possibility as it comes and if you choose not to pursue something, it won’t be out of fear or pessimism – it will be because you already have plenty of amazing opportunities to explore.
You can’t eliminate regret from your life completely. But by aspiring to be your best you will know that you gave 100 percent to everything that you tried and you’ll be empowered by own your decisions.
Want to know what Aspire Her is about? Check out this short vid!
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