Seeking Help in Your Job Search

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Career and Leadership Coach Nichole Harrop (and one of our conference speakers this year) discusses why and how you will benefit from mentors and a network of support in your job search.

Our speakers know what’s frustrating you, what’s on your mind, and what’s motivating you to work hard at your career, because they’ve been there – and they’ve become experts in the process. At Aspire Her, we really are all in good company.

While working to help other women climb the corporate ladder in her position of leadership in the corporate world, Nichole realized her passion was helping women reach their potential. She now works from home coaching women to create a foundation in the workplace using 5 core areas to aid them on their way to getting promoted. Learn more about Nichole and the other amazing speakers scheduled to present at Aspire Her, Utah’s largest business and career conference for women.

Ready to learn more ways to land the job you want?

Subscribe to our newsletter (and get a free networking workbook) or come to the Aspire Her conference this summer, where Nichole will be speaking more on this very topic!

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